
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Step Inside The Corner Office | Meadows Mile Professional Centre

Take a look inside the Professional Centre's available suites! The folks at Jerilyn Wright and Associates have provided us with a 3D rendering of what the inside of the coveted north-east facing corner suites would look like. To the right is the exterior view of the suites. These suites have a high volume of glass; the stunning views of the escarpment and towards downtown are unmatched in the city, and the natural light is unlimited in the daylight hours. 
Our new interior rendering shows the suite's bare bones, without any space planning or interior decoration. This is what our tenant's designer would be working with. JWA has prepared these renderings to assist an existing tenant, who has already purchased one of the two existing corner suites, with space planning. JWA is able to use this type of rendering program to show the tenant what the space will look like, well before anyone is able to step foot in the space. 

This kind of software is an exciting resource, particularly because understanding what a suite will look like, and actually seeing it, are two very different experiences. We are thrilled that Jerilyn Wright and Associates have this tool in their repertoire, and that we are able to offer their services to the tenants. As we've detailed in an earlier blog post, tenants will have the opportunity to choose who they would like to work with in designing their suite. We've chosen to work with JWA, and as a result they have a comprehensive understanding of the development already. Tenants are welcome to work with JWA, or an alternative designer, should they see fit. 

We have some exciting news about both Lot 1 and 2 in the Meadows Mile development brewing. We can't wait to finally be able to share it with you. Stay tuned on Twitter, Facebook, and here on the blog, to be the first to know.

Mikaela Cochrane
CCO for Cochrane Developments Corporation

Friday, June 12, 2015

More Preliminary Design Renderings | Meadows Mile Professional Centre

Our interior designers, Jerilyn Wright and Associates, have been busy drawing up more preliminary renderings for the Meadows Mile Professional Centre common areas.
Previously we released the rendering of the lobby and elevator vestibule. Now we have two brand new renderings for you; the common bathrooms, and the proposed hallways designs. 

In both designs you'll notice that they've kept up the elegant black and white colour scheme with copper and wood accents.

The wall covering is made from textured vinyl, a step up from wallpaper both in regards to visual appeal and durability. In an establishment such as this, that has medical tenants, we want to know that all surfaces can be thoroughly wiped down without damaging the aesthetic. The tile is a white subway tile, a throwback to that 1920's warehouse theme we have echoed in the exterior. The subway tile is classic, but the use of it on only half of the wall keeps the design contemporary, as apposed to directly mimicking that look. On our mirror wall, we have small, black, hexagonal tiles, accented with light grey grout for contrast.
For the floor JWA has chosen a large format tile that gives a similar aesthetic as the polished concrete floor in the main floor lobby. The tile carries out into the elevator lobby.
For lighting, there is a small window for natural light, as well as LED pot lights in the white, painted ceiling and mirror framing sconces. 

The hallways walls also make use of a textured vinyl wall covering, this time in a lighter tone. In the entryways we will have a shiny, dark toned vinyl to echo the back painted glass used in the lobby. The same black window mullions seen in the exterior of the building are echoed in the glass of the entry wall. The company's name will be marked on a wooden panel (like the wooden panels used for the directory in the elevator vestibule on the main floor) with black vinyl lettering.
The floors will be a neutral geometric carpet tile. We want a pattern that will give visual interest to the long hallway. On top of that, we don't want it to be TOO stimulating, or feature a design that might make the hallway look crooked or trick the eye in another way. Additionally, we want a pattern that will camouflage any dirt that comes from wear and tear over the years.

Lighting will once again be LED pot lights in the ceiling, and each doorway will feature the ornate copper wall sconces seen in the washrooms. The entryways will be further demarcated by copper panels on the ceiling. This detail, in conjunction with the carpet tile, will keep the trip down the hallway from becoming monotonous. We want to keep it interesting!

That's all we can share for now, but we look forward to showing you our updated designs and other common areas in the near future.

Mikaela Cochrane
CCO for Cochrane Developments Corporation

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Article in the Calgary Herald | Meadows Mile Professional Centre

We're in the Herald! Today in Section C of the Calgary Herald, you can read David Parker's article on our development, the Meadows Mile Professional Centre. If you're not a subscriber, or prefer to read online, you can view the article online here.
In the article, Mr. Parker profiles our President, Charles Cochrane, and our Meadows Mile Professional Centre development (with a mention of our upcoming Lot 2 development). Here are some snippets from the article:


We are pleased with the article, and excited to be sharing more about our company and our projects with the public. We are excited to release more information in the upcoming weeks surrounding some of the Lot 2 details alluded to in the article; our 21,000 foot user, who our restaurant user will be, & our architectural design. This article is a great feature on our work, and we look forward to revealing more details soon. 

Mikaela Cochrane
CCO for Cochrane Developments Corporation

Thursday, May 28, 2015

DP Public Notice | Meadows Mile Professional Centre

As per our development permit being approved over the weekend, we have photographic proof (and printed in the Calgary Herald, no less!). Here is our project in the May 28th Development Permit Public Notice.


We're excited to get construction underway, now that this hurdle is out of the way. Stay tuned for more media updates!

Mikaela Cochrane
CCO for Cochrane Developments Corporation

Monday, May 25, 2015

Development Permit Approved | Meadows Mile Professional Centre

We are ecstatic to announce that the development permit for the Meadows Mile Professional Centre has been approved. With the DP approved we can now commence with construction on Lot 1 for MMPC.
A development permit being approved is the equivalent of a film being 'green lit': We now can guarantee to any skeptics that this project will happen. This is the stamp of approval from City Hall that we needed to get this show on the road. This means we can now say with absolute assurance that, as of Fall 2016, there will be a brand new office and medical-approved building on the Meadows Mile Lot 1. That is certainly a cause for celebration!

 Although a large portion of the Meadows Mile Professional Centre is already pre-sold, there are still suites available in the Centre... including some with incredible views over the escarpment. Presently the MMPC is slated to have a complete Wellness Centre including, but not limited to, massage, acupuncture and chiropractic. There will also be dermatology and dental practitioners in the building, as well as a full pharmacy. Starbucks is a confirmed tenant in the standalone building (complete with drive-through!).

Our friends at Jones Lange LaSalle are our sales agents for this project, and can answer any questions a potential tenant might have. Check out the listing here.
Keep following our blog and social media outlets for updates on when we'll be breaking ground, our confirmed tenants and documentation on the progress of the development.

Mikaela Cochrane
CCO for Cochrane Developments Corporation

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Preliminary Interiors | Meadows Mile Professional Centre

Our interior designers at JWA Design have been working away on the preliminary designs for the common areas of the Meadows Mile Professional Centre. We're pleased to share this rendering of the proposed lobby for the Centre with you. We've gone with a sleek, contemporary, warehouse-inspired design, with clean lines and dynamic finishes.

In the rendering above you'll see that JWA has proposed a dramatic copper cloud ceiling with pot lights to contrast the polished concrete floors. Lots of interior glass will help to bring natural light into the elevator vestibule, as well as provide a nod to the exterior glazing. The brick on the vestibule wall, with black steel frames on the elevator doors, tie to the exterior materials as well. 

The large art piece will be a commissioned work by a local artist, inspired by the lot's escarpment and natural surroundings. The art piece in the rendering is a placeholder, as the painting is not scheduled to be completed until Summer 2016, when we have access to the building. The wall that the painting is mounted on will feature a unique wall covering, like back painted glass, to provide depth and frame the artwork.

We are thrilled with this preliminary rendering, and are excited to see where JWA goes with this design, and with the other common areas.

Mikaela Cochrane
CCO for Cochrane Developments Corporation

Thursday, April 30, 2015

JLL Listing Online | Meadows Mile Professional Centre

Our friends David Lees and Rick Urbancyzk at Jones Lang Lasalle have taken over our purchase and leasing inquiries, and JLL now has our Meadows Mile Professional Centre listed online. You can see our listing here.

Our Professional Centre on Lot 1 is developing nicely, with design meetings underway and collaborations with local artists on the horizon. Soon we'll be able to share the stunning preliminary designs that Jerilyn Wright & Associates have been cooking up. Also, we've got a BIG announcement surrounding Lot 2 coming soon. Make sure you follow us to stay connected!

Mikaela Cochrane
CCO for Cochrane Developments Corporation