
Friday, June 12, 2015

More Preliminary Design Renderings | Meadows Mile Professional Centre

Our interior designers, Jerilyn Wright and Associates, have been busy drawing up more preliminary renderings for the Meadows Mile Professional Centre common areas.
Previously we released the rendering of the lobby and elevator vestibule. Now we have two brand new renderings for you; the common bathrooms, and the proposed hallways designs. 

In both designs you'll notice that they've kept up the elegant black and white colour scheme with copper and wood accents.

The wall covering is made from textured vinyl, a step up from wallpaper both in regards to visual appeal and durability. In an establishment such as this, that has medical tenants, we want to know that all surfaces can be thoroughly wiped down without damaging the aesthetic. The tile is a white subway tile, a throwback to that 1920's warehouse theme we have echoed in the exterior. The subway tile is classic, but the use of it on only half of the wall keeps the design contemporary, as apposed to directly mimicking that look. On our mirror wall, we have small, black, hexagonal tiles, accented with light grey grout for contrast.
For the floor JWA has chosen a large format tile that gives a similar aesthetic as the polished concrete floor in the main floor lobby. The tile carries out into the elevator lobby.
For lighting, there is a small window for natural light, as well as LED pot lights in the white, painted ceiling and mirror framing sconces. 

The hallways walls also make use of a textured vinyl wall covering, this time in a lighter tone. In the entryways we will have a shiny, dark toned vinyl to echo the back painted glass used in the lobby. The same black window mullions seen in the exterior of the building are echoed in the glass of the entry wall. The company's name will be marked on a wooden panel (like the wooden panels used for the directory in the elevator vestibule on the main floor) with black vinyl lettering.
The floors will be a neutral geometric carpet tile. We want a pattern that will give visual interest to the long hallway. On top of that, we don't want it to be TOO stimulating, or feature a design that might make the hallway look crooked or trick the eye in another way. Additionally, we want a pattern that will camouflage any dirt that comes from wear and tear over the years.

Lighting will once again be LED pot lights in the ceiling, and each doorway will feature the ornate copper wall sconces seen in the washrooms. The entryways will be further demarcated by copper panels on the ceiling. This detail, in conjunction with the carpet tile, will keep the trip down the hallway from becoming monotonous. We want to keep it interesting!

That's all we can share for now, but we look forward to showing you our updated designs and other common areas in the near future.

Mikaela Cochrane
CCO for Cochrane Developments Corporation

1 comment:

  1. Great description of the design intent Mikaela! We look forward to seeing the renderings come to life. - JWA www.jwadesign.com
